On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Jim Nelson wrote:

> Eve Atley wrote:
> > First question...
> > We have people SSHing into our Linux box from overseas (India to US, company
> > access only). But files that are uploaded from these people become read-only
> > to anyone else accessing them. We *require* that they be readable/writable
> > by this side of the pond (US). How can I set this to occur? Otherwise, this
> > method of transferring files will *not* work for us, and perhaps someone can
> > point me to another solution.
> > 
> > Second question...
> > How can I recursively set all files/directories to 777?
> > Chmod -R 777 *.* ... Didn't seem to hit everything.
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > -Eve
> > 
> Question 1:
> Try setting the umask in the .profile for the people ssh'ing in.

Which every user can change for themselves later on again.. Don't know if
that's desirable..

> Question 2:
> Try the following:
> -----------------------------------[cut]--------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------[cut]--------------------------------------------
> I use this to fix permissions on a Samba box - you will have to modify or 
> drop the 
> chown line to leave the ownership properties alone.

Why not adding a special group to your /etc/group or setting a default
mask in your smb.conf ? That's what these programs, files are for..
That would eliminate the need of your script.. And is one cronjob
less.. One process less, memory less, cpu cycles less.. etc..


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