I've made several suggestions inline. But skip to the last one first, since it's my best guess about what your actual problem is.

At 05:35 PM 3/11/2005 -0500, Eve Atley wrote:

Hi Ray, thanks for your usual excellent tips. Here's what I've done...

1. mount -t smbfs -o username=linuxadmin,password=password,workgroup=wowcorp
//backup/e /mnt/backup
Result: no errors

2. df shows:
/dev/hda2             37334192   5252668  30185052  15% /
/dev/hda1               101089     29129     66741  31% /boot
/dev/hdb1             57669728  42343604  12396676  78% /home
none                    256800         0    256800   0% /dev/shm
//backup/e           120623104     69632 120553472   1% /mnt/backup

So, it appears to be mounting...with correct partition size.

I agree. This part looks good.

3. cp mount_test.txt /mnt/backup
Result: mount_test.txt resides on /mnt/backup

>If yes, can you do so as whatever userid the script runs from? If
>no, can you do so as root?

Well, I logged in via ssh as root, mounted the drive, and copied the file.

I don't know if you answered the question or not, since I don't know what userid the script runs under (I'm guessing that it is a daily cron job, but I can't guess the uid). But if the script runs under a userid other than root, it could still be a problem at the Linux end. So please check --

(a) permissions on this mounted directory as Linux sees them. That is, what does "ls -l /mnt/backup" report?

(b) if you can cp a file to this directory as the userid that runs the script.
>If cp'ing by hand works, then you need to examine your script with a bit
>more skepticism. (BTW, does the script detect and log cp'ing failures? Or
>are its STDOUT and STDERR routed to /dev/null or someplace equally

Well, I say it's not the script's fault because it all worked previously. :)
Linuxadmin is set up as an administrator, so should have full read/write

Since the term "administrator" is not used on Linux and Unix systems, I assume you refer here to privileges on the Windows end. I'll have to take your word for that part. But whether permissions are OK on the Linux end is not sorted out by this.

At this point, the backup script shows:

mount -t smbfs -o username=linuxadmin,password=password,workgroup=wowcorp
//backup/e /mnt/backup &>/root/backup_scripts/logs/`date
if [ -f /mnt/backup/connected ]; then
        rm -rf /mnt/backup/`date +"%A/"`
        mkdir /mnt/backup/`date +"%A/"`
        cp -r /home/shared/* /mnt/backup/`date +"%A/"`
+"DAILY-%y-%m-%d.log"` 2>/mnt/backup/logs/`date +"DAILY-%y-%m-%d.err"`
        umount /mnt/backup  &>/root/backup_scripts/logs/`date

Hmmm ... have you created (touch'ed) the file /mnt/backup/connected on the backup drive? If not, the script is failing to perform the backup because the conditional in its if statement (if [ -f /mnt/backup/connected ];) fails. And the script has no instructions for what to do if the if test fails (no "else", that is), so nothing would get logged in this case.


The generated log appears completely empty, whereas the day before it
SMB connection failed
15538: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)
...since I had nothing set up at that time.

- Eve

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