Richard Adams wrote:
On Friday 12 August 2005 07:27, Karthik Vishwanath wrote:


I run icewm as a window manager and have the network status displayed on
the task-bar. Sometimes I notice quite some activity on the network,
without really knowing which process is responsible for that. I would like
to determine the progam-name(s)/daemon(s) and the PID(s) that are involved
actively in sending/receiving data on the network.

Without knowing anything about your systen, ie what processes are running one can only guess as to what is causing traffic on your network.

Mail programs which check at regular intervals for mail is one which comes to mind strait away, others are dhcp if used and there are of course many more.

Assuming Karthik knows what he's talking about (and he's posted here for long enough that if he says "quite some acticity", he surely means more than a trickle), these are not likely candidates for creating *heavy* loads on a LAN. A better guess would be something Samba related, or maybe VNC, or maybe some p2p app ... but these are just wild guesses and not what Karthik asked about anyway.

I tried netstat with the -e, -p, -l and the -a flags, but could not locate
the program that was actively using the network. What am I missing, what
must I try?

I would use 'netstat -t' as soon as i saw traffic, but then i would be running 'tcpdump' in an xterm to monitor traffic, one would then see ip#'s and most important port numbers, knowing the port number one then looks into /etc/services to see what program is causing the traffic.

Maybe. These days, /etc/services isn't as complete as it once was. There's an Web site somewhere with a more current list of IANA port assignments than /etc/services usually provides. But in any case, you don't want to know the *service* involved; you want to know what client is involved, and that is a bit trickier to determine. See next comment.

Of course there are other ways to check as well but the above is what i would be doing if i was concerned.

Good thoughts generally, Richard, but I'd suggest a few differences in the details.

1. netstat -t won't tell you much ... especially if the traffic isn't caused by a tcp connection. More useful is something like netstat -anp (run as root), which gives you (among other things) a list of source ports, destination aaddresses, and associated PIDs. So if you find the ports that are causing the traffic, this links them to programs.

2. For tracking the traffic itself, I don't know anything better than tcpdump or its equivalent (e.g., ethereal) to monitor port-by-port traffic levels. Surely someone has written a wrapper for one of these sniffers that will track traffic by port number, though. No?

Update: a quick Google search led me to darkstar, a minimalist sniffer that offers an option to report cumulative traffic by port (a screenshot show this output format). Look at for details. I don't recall what distro you use, Karthik, but I did see that Debian packages were available.

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