In named 8.1.x, add this line to the options{} statement of named.conf:

options {
listen-on {; };

You can specify multiple IP addresses in the same way:

options {
listen-on {;; };


On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, Guillermo Payet wrote:

|  Hi,
|  I have 5 IP addresses mapped to the same Ethernet card on the 
|  same box, and I want to bind my "named" (DNS server) to an IP 
|  address that's not the primary host name for that system.   
|  Can't figure it out...
|       any clues?
|       --G
|  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|  Guillermo Payet                         voice:       408.466.0700
|  O C E A N    G R O U P        
|  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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