I ve configured my named config files (named.boot, named.ca, named.conf
cause I have Bind 8.1..named.rev..named..), and I ve read that I should
find in my rc script files an rc file that looks like : if [ -f
/etc/inet/named.boot -a -x /usr/sbin/in.named] then /usr/sbin/in.named fi..
Well, I was searching through all my rc scripts files and still cannot find
the right one, where I should include the precedent scripts. In my rc.d
directory, I just see init.d, rc, rc.local, rc.sysinit, rc0.d, rc1.d..etc..
In all these directories and files I found scripts that looks like the
following one that I took from /etc/rc.d/init.d/named.init:
#source network configs
#check that networking is up:
[$ {NETWORKING}="no"] && exit 0
[ if /usr/sbin/httpd] :: exit 0
[if /etc/named.boot] :: exit 0
# start daemons
echo -n "starting named:"
daemon named
touch /var/lock/subsys/named
#stop daemons
echo -n " shutting down named"
killproc named..
Well, I m on redhat 4.2. Ok, I know some paths should be changed, for
ie..where there s named.boot, I ll replace it by named.conf and it s right
path cause this is Bind 8.1. But that s not the problem cause whatever I ve
tried (before installin Bind8.1, or after..the problem still the same),
here s the problem:
First what would be the rc file that I should put in the scripts to start
up my named daemon (rc.0? httpd.init??named.init??).
Second, whenever I go to /usr/sbin and run httpd,I got error: cannot
determine Local host name . Use servername to set it. What is that??what
Should I do??
Third: When I run named from /usr/sbin, I got no error and back to prompt
..but when I execute ps to look at the processes that are active..there s
no entry for named. So I still cannot run named.
Thanks for Help
Arhel Lehenz