On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Helms, Phil wrote:

> If Linux is to be anything more than a system for hobbyists
> or mechanics, it will have to install with less effort, and it
> will need standard applications sitting on top of it.
1) I'm not sure I want Linux to be more than a system for hobbyists
2) I agree that the install could be improved, but its getting there fast.
  I have some little ideas anout how to improve this which might be
  appearing sometime soon (if I ever get time to try some experiments).
  The standard applications are begining to appear, and as linux gains
  popularity they will appear.

> I'm not about to abandon Linux.  I like it.  It's just that I'd
> like be able to use it for everything I do.

One of the (many) advantages of linux over windows is precisely that I can
to everything I need to do.  With windows, the cost of software is
prohibative, and they stability (or lack thereof) also gets in the way of
With linux, I can:
Program:     gcc is the best C compiler in existance.
WordProcess: don't need to often, and nothing flash, but emacs covers most
             of my needs.  Anytihng more complicated can be done in
             StarOffice or somesuch.
Email etc.:  MicroSoft Exchange.  Nuff said?
and above all.... HACK.


"At least they're ___________EXPERIENCED incompetents"

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