Gevaerts Frank wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, Oleksiy (alex) Bolgarov wrote:
> > Steve C wrote:
> > >
> > > What you are missing I think, is the env variable display.
> > > With RH 5.1 / Xfree 3.2.2I have never needed this, but at
> > > work Sun Solaris, DEC need the environment variable DISPLAY set
> >
> > env reported that DISPLAY is set to :0.0 -
> > anyway xemacs refuses to start in xterm that is
> > su-ed to root... And it starts OK from xterm not
> > su-ed...
> Does su copy the environment variables? IIRC it doesn't.
> Frank
> > Well, not that it is a big problem - I can live with
> > xemacs started from non-su-ed xterm, but I'm just
> > curious, and I want to know more about Linux, X11,
> > and Unix in general...
> >
> >
> > alex
> >
> >
> >

Well it looks like I have a bit more to learn?
At work I tend to log in as root then do su <username>,
the env vars etc. are set by the users .profile .login.

To run any X, testing things etc, on my PC I have to
manually reset DISPLAY to be my PC name and not the users.

This is because we have hostname of two parts <site_id><pc number>.

I think it would still be required to force DISPLAY after
doing su.

(Have just read other msg about x server drivers)

Steve C

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