There's still another Linux List, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, which receives
frequent notifications of kernel releases. <ssc> is (iirc) Specialized
Systems Consultants, I think closely connected with The Linux Journal. 

The <ssc> List is primarily for local Seattle Linux folk, but was
courteous to me when it served as my newbie list. (I was quite careful
with what I asked.) I would say that some posts that are quite OK on
this List would be out of place on that List, because it's essentially
not for newcomers. However, no harm in lurking! 

Abstracts from the signup auto-reply message:

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Jul 14 09:11:38 1998
Subject: Welcome to linux-list

Welcome to linux-list. The purpose of this list to to facilitate
peer-to-peer discussion of Linux-related topics. While there is no
geographic restriction on membership, the intent to to offer a forum that
is of interest to people in the greater Seattle area.  Feel free to
interpret "greater" however you like.

Anything you send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be redistributed to all
subscribers. If you have any problems with the list server, you can send
your questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subcription/unsubscription/info requests should always be sent to: 

To subscribe to this mailing list, simply send a message with the word 
"subscribe" in the body of the message to the address above.

As in:          To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Subject: anything or leave empty 


To unsubscribe from this mailinglist, simply send a message with the word
"unsubscribe" in the body of the message to the address above.

As in:          To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Subject: please...


(I've kept only the most-important info.)

Btw, I have a rather-large Linux-specific bookmark list, in Lynx format;
(should be usable by any browser, I'd guess); could e-mail it to anyone
interested (if there aren't too many requests!) It's no masterpiece, not
carefully sorted...

|*  Nicholas Bodley   *|*  Electronic Technician {*} Autodidact & Polymath
|*   Waltham, Mass.   *|*  -----------------------------------------------
|*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *|*  The personal computer industry will have become
|*  Amateur musician  *|*  mature when crashes become unacceptable.

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