According to Bryan Scaringe: While burning my CPU.
> Just curious:  If I install a source RPM, and "Make"/install
> it, Will a "rpm -e <source-RPM>" remove only the source,
> or will it also get the application and make-waste (.o files)
> as well.

I never use rpm's but if a package is installed by rpm and it needs to be
compiled then all the source will be under one dir, we shall call it,

Now you have made the program and done a make install, the chances are
(99.9%) that the binary has now been moved to one or another directory be it
/bin /sbin or whatever.  You now have a few choises,

1) in the dir pipo, 'make distclean' (Makefile dependant)
2) 'rm *.o' nearly the same as above.
3) 'rm -rf *' Remove ALL files, 'cd ..' 'rmdir pipo'

In my opinion just as easy as using rpm -whatever.

Or now rpm -whatever_option_for_remove.

The only forseeable problem is that installing with rpm will make an entry
in rpm's log and removing it yourself will leave the program named in rpm's
log, so if the need arise to reinstall the source with rpm, rpm will say its
already there i would imagen.

> It would seem to me that in the ideal case, running an install
> script after "Make"ing the source would create a new package,
> just for the app, thereby separating the source from the binary,
> allowing them to be delt with on an individual basis.
> Is this usually the case?  I'd like to get a few source RPMs,
> but don't want the source wasting space once the binary is built.

Its normal practise after a make install to remove all the source, check the
README or INSTALL file for spesific instructions.

Please note, i realise that RPM is a wonderfull tool for some, so there is
no need for anyone to answer to this message saying you "should" always use
rpm, there are always 2 ways of doing things.

I suppose this comes about because i learnt Linux on a slackware system ;-)

> Thanks,
>       Bryan Scaringe

Regards Richard.

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