At 22:09 21/09/98 -0600, you wrote:
>No error messages -- it just shuts down, even when I'm actively using it.
>when I'm actively online, anything to do with Netscape (browser, mail,
>downloads, etc.) closes down without warning with no error messages onscreen.
>I'm using 4.05, and recently downloaded 4.06. I'll install that one soon
to see
>if there's any difference.
Hello, brian!
the following is probably not the likely explanation but i will throw it in
anyway. My friend is a student at uni and so uses his uni. internet acct
(i.e. his ISP is his uni.).
if there is no activity going along his connection for a while he is thrown
off, so if he wants to read something that may take a while he starts to
download another page or game that he knows will take a while then goes
back to reading. he has sites bookmarked for that...a nice workaround...
perhaps that may explain your problem.
adrian b.
Adrian Bolzan
c/- Dept of Chemistry
The University of Queensland
Brisbane 4072 Australia
Ph: +61 (7) 3365-2281 or 3365-3527
Fax: +61 (7) 3365-4299