On 02-Oct-98 Doin' the Bull Dance, Feelin' the Flow... wrote:
> ok - I just got my linux box pretty much running.  I got X running,
> and all
> of that now.  So, I have a few questions...
> I do a little bit of C programming now and again, so anything other
> than the
> gnu compiler would be cool.  Anyone know where I can get one for my
> Linux
> machine?

I think most in this list will agree, gcc is the best. Maybe you just
want a spiffy x editor, so check out freshmeat.net. Any program you
could ever want is probably on freshmeat.net.

> I know that Xdoom is out there somewhere - where do I get it?
> Any word processing programs, games, and those type of everyday use
> programs
> that I can get?  I know that is a VERY broad question, but I don't
> know
> where else to start...
> Also, is there are any specific web / ftp sites that have lots of
> Linux
> goodies.  I have some CD's that I have yet to go thru that came
> with my
> installation, but I figured that I would also start browsing on the
> web.
> Thanks in advance...
> -Evan-

--] www.leto.net      [--
--] 03-Oct-98 13:28:08[--

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