Hi all,

I have the following problem:

I'm using email/web hosting services with a virtual domain
(dtext.com). Email adressed @dtext.com arriving at my US web/email
provider is (except for one case, see below) forwarded to a POP
account at a my local Swiss access provider. Note that to send email
I'm using the SMTP server of my Swiss access provider, which is
configured in sendmail.cf as my SmartHost. So when I use my email
client off-line and send, the message goes to my local SMTP, and it is
passed to the SmartHost when I get on-line and issue a sendmail -q.

So far, so good, I've been using this simple (and rather common I
guess) setup for more than a year now (and specifically with Linux +
local sendmail for 5 months).

Recently however, the SMTP server of my local access provider started
rejecting my outgoing email. The SMTP transcript (details at the end
of this message) listed

  <<< 501 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Sender domain must exist

This is not linked to the "From:" field in the message header, as this
one was set to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and dtext.com is the (valid) name of
my virtual domain. It's something at the SMTP dialog level.

To solve this problem, I looked around and tried to add "dtext.com" as
my "official domain name" in the sendmail.cf with


This worked for ordinary email, but now if I tried to send a message
to [EMAIL PROTECTED], it would reject the message saying
that some-mailing-list was not a known user @dtext.com. Clearly the
SMTP server of my Swiss access provider was trying to send the message
to my system, as I told it that dtext.com was my own domain name. But
some-mailing-list is actually the address of a mailing list handled by
my US provider, and whose mail is not and should not be forwarded to
my Swiss POP account, but dispatched to the list members from my US
provider site.

What should I do?

I temporarily removed the problem by putting some other domain name
(prochain.ch, that I own, too) as official domain name, but this is
bad, as it means I won't ever be able to send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (it would try to send it on my system and
report there is no such user).

I have RedHat 5.0 with kernel 2.0.31 and the sendmail version that
comes with that distribution (how do you make it print its version

I give below the detailed error message I got initially.

Any help appreciated,



The original message was received at Sun, 27 Sep 1998 16:38:58 +0200
from jacques@localhost

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to mail.worldcom.ch:
<<< 501 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Sender domain must exist
501 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Data format error

Content-Type: message/delivery-status

Reporting-MTA: dns; phat.corcise
Arrival-Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 16:38:58 +0200

Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.5.2
Remote-MTA: DNS; mail.worldcom.ch
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 501 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Sender domain must exist
Last-Attempt-Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 18:33:09 +0200


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