On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, Charles E. Gelm wrote:

> The 'lynx' suggestions worked on local files, didn't work on URLs.
Probably because your nameservering isn't working.

> My LAN:
> k6    linux-2.0.34 (slakware 3.5.0) IP-MASQ, modem, ether-16/ct (ne2000 clone)
> tiger windoze 95, ether-16/ct (ne2000 clone)
> dx80  windoze fer workgroups 3.11, wdc8003ep 
>  After running ppp-go, I can ping my ISP by numerical address (207.0.229.###),
> but not by domain (www.erinet.com|erinet.com)
> I can ping all of my LAN computers, but only the linux (k6) can ping  my
> ISP and only by dotted-numeric.

What do ipfwadm -F -l and ipfwadm -M -l give?

> ping www.erinet.com
> ping: unknown host www.erinet.com
> ping erinet.com
> ping: unknown host erinet.com
> lynx http://www.erinet.com
> lynx: Can't access startfile http://www.erinet.com
All of these indicate that there is something wrong with your nameserver.

> /etc/resolv.conf (oops)
>     was                                    now
> domain erinet.com                    search nc8q.org
> search erinet.com                    domain erinet.com
> nameserver             same

That should work.  If you are running named then you might want to add
nameserver before the other nameserver line, but it should work
without it.

> /etc/host.conf
> order hosts, bind
> multi on
> /var/log/syslog
> Oct 11 09:06:13 k6 named[145]: can't change directory to /var/named: No such file or 
> directory
> Oct 11 09:06:13 k6 named[145]: can't change directory to /var/named: No such file or 
> directory

named is badly configured  - it is looking in /var/named which presumeably
doesn't exist.  Somewhere you should have a named.ca, which named needs to
find.  It is looking in /var/named at the moment.

If you don't have a named.ca then
$ mkdir /var/named
$ touch /var/named/named.ca

I'm not sure it'll fix it, but its worth a try :)

> Oct 11 12:34:38 k6 pppd[300]: ppp not replacing existing default route to 
> Oct 11 13:26:36 k6 pppd[466]: ppp not replacing existing default route to 

Ah.  This is the problem.  You have a default route set to route
everything to eth0 (ie the ethernet card) instead of sending it over your
ppp link.  I don't know exactly how slackware's initscripts work, but what
you need to do is remove the line in (I think) /etc/rc.d/rc.network that
reads something like
route add default ......

This should fix the nameserver problems...



I came, I saw, I deleted all your files.

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