On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 11:46:11PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] pleaded:
% After perusing Price Watch's web page, I am totally confused 
% as to which 56.6k internal modem to choose for my pc, which runs 
% S.u.S.E. 5.2 and Win95.  There seem to be quite a few at 
% reasonable prices (i.e. under $50), but I get lost in PCI, ISA, V.90, 
% et.al.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I also want a 
% network card, and I have seen the gamut from $9.00 to <$50.00.  
% Same deal for me, though.  NE2000, PCI ISA ad infinitum.  I'm not 
% really sure what all of those cool-sounding acronyms mean exactly 
% (vaguely), so...  Thanks all.

PCI and ISA are bus technologies; v.90 is the standard for 56K modems,
although still new and not widely support.  I would avoid internal
modems, as these days they usually sit on a non-standard com port
and IRQ.  They can also be hard to troubleshoot because you can't
see the blinkenlights. Get an external modem that you can hook up
to one of your com ports, which probably isn't used anyway since
chances are good you have a PS/2 mouse.

% P.S. This is the third post, and so far (2 hours) none have shown 
% up?!

vger, the mailing list box at Rutgers, runs more or less at full
load 7x24.  Just be patient.  The net is generally fast and 
efficient, but it isn't instantaneous.

Kurt Wall
Informix on Linux FAQ: http://www.users.uswest.net/~kwall/iolfaq.html

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