On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, Vince DiMascio wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for.  But I'm runing 4.02 with
> a POP3 account.  The only sexy editing I had to do was in (s)etup,
> (c)onfig, 'inbox-path' is set to '{mail.myisp.net}inbox'
> For a different accout, whose mail i retrieve with 3.96, the 'inbox-path'
> is set to '{pop3xx.myschool.edu}/var/spool/mail'
> Both designations I got from the sysadmin.  Hope that helps.

Where can I download the latest version of pine?

//\/\ario //\/\elendez- TI2DLL
Happily running Linux since 4/10/98

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