On Wed, 16 Dec 1998, Ken Schweigert wrote:

:This is my first post to the group and I'm truly a newbie.  I'm
:running RH5.0 on one half of the HD and Win95 on the other and am
:using loadlin to get to Linux.
:The internet server I'm using is the one from our local college and
:I've been told that everyone has a "Unix shell account" and not a
:regular ppp.  If I use minicom, I can connect and use Lynx to surf
:around, but when I try to d/l Netscape, it d/l's to my directory on
:the Unix box.  I've tried to ftp the server to get these files, but
:must not be doing something correctly.
:My question is:  is there something that will connect me directly to
:this shell account so I can transfer straight to this box??

minicom supports a number of protocols. Try 'sz <filename>' for a zmodem

             -  Barry Selk               Calgary AB CA  -
  \___      Linux 2.0.34    -     AmigaDos 3.1    -    C64     ____/  

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