At 09:08 AM 12/16/98 -0800, Ken Schweigert wrote:
>The internet server I'm using is the one from our local college and
>I've been told that everyone has a "Unix shell account" and not a
>regular ppp.  If I use minicom, I can connect and use Lynx to surf
>around, but when I try to d/l Netscape, it d/l's to my directory on
>the Unix box.  I've tried to ftp the server to get these files, but
>must not be doing something correctly.
>My question is:  is there something that will connect me directly to
>this shell account so I can transfer straight to this box??
[rest deleted]

If you only have a shell connection, it will not support an ftp link between
your Linux box and the school server. To download software (from your user
area on the school server to your Linux box), you will need to fall back on
zmodem transfers. It's been years since I did one, but I think the relevant
commands are sz (on the sending side) and rz (on the receiving side). My
Linux host (Slackware 3.4) does have man pages for these commands; if yours
does too, you might see if that will help. (The school's server will need to
run the sz command while your client runs rz.) Also look into kermit.

I also vaguely recall an app that would fake a slip-style (slip is the
IP-over-modem-line protocol that preceded ppp) connection over a shell link.
But I can't remember the details; sorry. You might look around for this, though.

Unless you can get or fake a slip/ppp connection, downloading Netscape won't
do you much good. It won't access remote sites over a shell connection. (It
will let you look at html docs on your own host or LAN, though.)

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
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