Dear All

I'm trying to get the ISC dhcp server up and running on a Red Hat 5.1


I've got it to run and dish out IP addresses.

I'd like to run the daemon on start up.  Where would the command go?

I also have to issue the following to allow W95 clients to request IP


        route add -host dev eth0

Does this need to be issued every time the machine starts and is it

possible to automate this?

Finally, I placed the tar file in /usr/src and unpacked it which it has

done to a subdirectoryin /usr/src.  I notice that everything ie man

pages executables docs et al have all ended up in this directory.  I've

already had to move the configuration files to /etc manually.

Should all the other files go in specific directories such as /sbin etc?

Is there some sort of convention for this?

Is it ok to do this manually?

Is it possible, in future, to get tar to do this automatically.

Many thanks


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