I will try to answer your question.

The S and K stand for "S"tart and "K"ill.   If the link is S15inetd then it
will start the inetd superserver.  And you are correct about the number
being used for order of starting each daemon.

If you want to see more about this check out the ntsysv and chkconfig

Another message from Jer Wiebe

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-----Original Message-----
From: Raider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, February 26, 1999 1:26 PM
Subject: The links in /etc/rc.d/rc[0-6].d

> Hi!
> As you could see this question is RH related.  So here it goes:
>what is the meaning of the names of the links.  The name starts either
>with 'S' or 'K'.  Why?  The following number I assume is an arbitrary
>number chose in such a manner so it will decide the order those links are
>run.  And finally there comes the relevant name which says what that link
>does.  The most important: what is the difference between 'K' and 'S'?  I
>know it sounds silly.
> Raider
> ``Liberate tu-temet ex inferis''

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