> Thank you all.
> I figured out.  My syntax was wrong.  I assumed that the syntax would
> be the same (i.e. mount /dev/fd0 /mnt) but the correct syntax is mount
> /mnt.
> Thank you very much.  
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrian Bolzan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 1998 4:16 PM
> To:   Mark Dohojda
> Subject:      long filename and fstab
> Thanks to everyone who posted replies to my question about long
> filenaqmes.
>  my problem really is, why if i have mounted my win95 partitions as
> vfat do
> i not get long filename support?  
> also,  i have a similar problem as the poster below, where having
> 'user' in
> fstab still did not allow users to mount the cdrom, only
> root...perhaps my
> two problems are related?
> hmmm...
> also, booting from floppy...my a: drive is checked and starts loading
> linux
> but before i get to a login prompt (i.e. i only see the dots on the
> screen
> whilst loading linux) the machine reboots...do you think i might be
> going
> straight to run level 6?  i don't know a lot, so that is only a naive
> suggestion... ;-)
> thanks in advance
> adrian b.
> >Hello everyone.
> >
> >Quick question.  I changed Fstab now it looks like:
> >
> >/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ext2 noauto,user 0 0 
> >
> >However when I changed to anther user it doesn't let me mount a
> floppy.
> >why?
> >It just says:
> >"Only root can do that"
> >
> >thank you
> >Marek
> >
> >
> -------------------------------------
> Adrian Bolzan
> c/- Dept of Chemistry
> The University of Queensland
> Brisbane  4072
> Australia
> Ph:  +61 (7) 3365-3527 or 3365-2281
> Fax: +61 (7) 3365-4299

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