On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, tboy wrote:

>Here's a long list of applications I need, not containing miscellaneous utilities:

Before you try to find *exact* replacements for windows apps, remember
that linux does stuff according to a different philosophy of use...

>Internet related appss:
>       A powerful email client that support multi-account and auto-filtering to 
>replace Calypso
>       A powerful downloading utility that support drag&drop and clipboard monitoring 
>to replace Net Vampire
>       A powerful web-mirroring tool to replace Teleport Pro

Do a bit of looking around on your distribution disk. Linux does
internet better than anything else. Tons of email programs, pick your
variety of ftp, etc. The about internet apps should be no problem at

>Web authoring tools:
>       A excellent WYSISWYG HTML editor to replace Macromedia Dreamweaver
>       An advanced HTML editor to replace Homesite
>       A web graphics authoring tool suite to replace CorelDraw+Photoshop+Gif Animator

Do you need WYSIWYG? If you need one to do basic table layout and
stuff, and then use a real editor to fine tune stuff, I find that
netscape composer does the job. I believe that HotMetal is available for
Linux. Emacs, Gnome Notepad, KWrite, and various other editors have
HTML modes. As for web graphics, all you need is GIMP.

>User interface:
>       A neat, fast file manager


>       Full-function Media player to replace winamp and XingMpeg Player

Does this have to be **one** application? You'll have no problems in
this area if you can use separate programs, instead of all-in-one.
Again, linux has a different way of working.

>       A complete application development environment(for C)

Take you pick! Oh, did you mean a Visual C++ or Basic type of
environment? There's a few, but I know of none for C specifically.
There are tons of great programmer's editors, dialog editors, etc., etc.

>       A powerful word processing appication to replace Word
>       Diagram authoring tool to replace Visio

I haven't used it so I don't know if it does what you want, but check
out GYVE.



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