ok..I use pine 4.02 (atleast that is what it says in the corner).  Now I
am reading emails and some of you people put links to websites and it can
be a pain to start lynx and copy the link overr to lynx (ok maybe not..:))
and I noticed that it was highlighting links..I thought cool it was like
netscape...click the link and your browser pops up and away it goes!...so
clicked (the enter key ;)..) and it said:

No Web-Browser application defined!  Define now?
Y [Yes]
N No

I click yes...:

Web Browser:
^G Help
^C Cancel    Ret Accept

so I type lynx (that is what I want):

Web Browser: lynx
^G Help
^C Cancel    Ret Accept

                [>Browser not found: No such file or directory<]

Well, what should I be typin' in there?

PS: It is not on my box, I dial in. Its my ISP (more like a BBS! but
free!!) it i unix so I figure close enuf...itsworth a shot...

PS:The Sequel: Tech support cant figure it out either (no time to work on
it either) we tried typing in the whole path...

Dane Helm            [EMAIL PROTECTED]           Bremerton, WA
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