I think the app you're looking for is fips... It comes on most Linux CD's,
but I'm not sure if the standard fips deals with FAT32... Which release of
windows 95 are you running? If it's OEM A or the Upgrade, chances are you
don't have a fat32 partition... If it's OEM B, then you might have FAT32. If
you do just yell and I'll try and find fips 32 for you.... Make sure that
you defrag your harddrive before running fips... Get all the data snug up
front of the drive before lopping the back off :-)

As far as the premier Linux flavour at the time goes, you can start whole
religious wars with statements like that :-) I started out on Slackware and
the learning curve was STEEP... I then moved to Redhat 5.0 and found that
this is really perfect for desktop work... Now I'm back with slackware for
my servers and redhat for my workstations... Slackware is definitely more
graft, but you get more control imho,,,, Redhat is by far the best when it
comes to helping you get going quickly...

just my 2c

Wayne Pascoe (GiT)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've taken a vow of poverty. To annoy me, send money!
-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher J. & JoLene J. McFarland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Linux Newbie Mailing List' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 08 September 1998 07:10
Subject: Partitioning the hard way; or maybe not...?

Hello, real newbie here.
So new I don't even have Linux on my box yet.  :)
OK, here's my question:
I have Win95 installed on my hard drive on one (very large) partition on my
hard drive, which is approx 1.6 gigs total.  Now, I just got this system
tweeked to my liking, after about the 4th reformat since my marriage. (and I
got married 3 months ago!  Hows that for Microshmucks "reliability" for
you.)  Further, my wife would kill me if I took all the stuff which she
*just* started learning and tossed it out.  Further, that I *finally* found
an office suite that's so close to my own tastes that it makes no
difference, and it's Windows 95 only.
Down to the question.  Is there a freeware way to re-partition the hard
drive without losing the data that is already there?  I'm basicly looking
for a "Partition Magic"-type freeware.
If there isn't a way to do it, that's cool, I'll just wait until I have
enough money to buy a bigger hard drive, Partition Magic, and whatever the
premier Linux release is available at the time. (probably Red Hat)
Thanks for any help you can give me.


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