According to Cityboy: While burning my CPU.
> You were right, I activated it, and it now appears. I noticed IRQ 6 not in
> use either, that should be my floppy controller I belive, well I never could
> access my 2 floppies in linux, only during setup, how can I access the
> floppies? I dont see them in / - root either.

Realy you could have thought a little about this, i said in my previous

    "If its not shown then its not in use at THAT particular time."

Which means, your floppy drive is NOT in use if it does not show up in
You need to mount the floppy drive(s) to be able to use them.

As an example do the following;

Place a DOS formatted floppy in drive A, /dev/fd0

mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt
That mounts the floppy in your /mnt directory with the msdos filesystem.
This will only work if;
1) msdos support is compiled in the kernel or as a module, A normal
standardly installed distribution kernel should have msdos support.
2) you must have a directory called /mnt that also is in a standardly
installed system.

You can automate the mount process via /etc/fstab

/dev/fd0                /mnt            msdos  user,noauto 0 0

Now simply typing;
mount /mnt
mount /dev/fd0
will mount the floppy in the same way as described above.

You can of course mount any type of floppy ext2, minix, dos.

And remember one thing, you MUST umount the floppy drive before extrachting
the floppy.

> Thanks for your time. :)

Regards Richard.

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