Hi again, everyone ;)

I've got a very interesting (well, to me, anyway) question.  I'd ask the
local LUG, but their computers are down due to a fire =(, and so is our
list, unfortunately.  =(

Anyway.  I've read in a few places that it is possible to network
computers together, and have them kinda collectively process information.
First question:  Is this true?

Alrighty.  Assuming this is true... then that  would mean that you could
have computers working collectively on decompressing something, or
somesuch, and spewing uncompressed data.  Correct?

And, does that mean I could have several 386s working to decompress and
play MP3s that I am playing, so that it would take the load from my single
486 processor?

        - Mike

---  Michael B. Trausch, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  100% MS Free!  ---
Tagline for Friday, April 09, 1999

The world is coming to an end... SAVE YOUR BUFFERS!!

LinuxTaRT version 2.27
---       Web Page:  http://www.wcnet.org/~mtrausch/         ---

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