Hey! Did you hear what Shane McKeown was saying on Apr 13 ?

SM> Well, I can login as a user no problem.
SM> But is there a way to enable root login?

        By default Linux won't allow remote logins from root.  And because
you should not be using the root account like it was just another user
(because it's easier and you don't have to worry about silly little things
like file permissions)  I'm not going to tell you how to enable telnet
access for a root login :P

        Instead, if you're on your NT box and want to do something on your
Linux box, take these steps...

        1 - telnet to Linux box login as normal user
        2 - try to do whatever it is you want to do on your Linux box as a
            normal user... if it can't be done, then...
        3 - think "why isn't it letting me" (there's usually a good
        4 - as a last resort use the command su to change to root

        An even better approach to step 4 would be to use the -c switch on
the su command.  su -c "command to execute as root" (you need the "").  It
will prompt you for root's password, perform the commands, and then exit.
You are then back to your normal user.

Regards, Steve Youngs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ICQ: 34307457
°                                __                      °
°Isn't it good to know that     / /   __ ___  __ ____  __°
°There _IS_ an alternative!    / /__ / // _ \/ // /\ \/ /°
°                             /____//_//_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\°
This virus requires Microsoft(R) Windows(tm) 95

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