Hey! Did you hear what David Erdman was saying on Apr 11 ?

DE> Hi.  I recently upgraded my RH5.2 w/KDE to the 2.2.5 kernel.  Along the way, I
DE> have discovered that my printer is no longer "discovered".  Could anyone point
DE> me in the right direction in terms of a good how to, or maybe if anyone has any
DE> experience with this problem????

        If you are loading the printer as modules you might want to add
the following to your /etc/conf.modules file...

        alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
        options parport_pc io=0x278,0x378,0x3BC irq=none,7,auto

Regards, Steve Youngs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ICQ: 34307457
°                                __                      °
°Isn't it good to know that     / /   __ ___  __ ____  __°
°There _IS_ an alternative!    / /__ / // _ \/ // /\ \/ /°
°                             /____//_//_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\°
Data to Picard: No, Captain, I do NOT run Windows.

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