On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Dirk Fung wrote:

> During the slackware installation, I tried different CPU speed.
> "Segmentation errors" appear when the CPU speed is high.  83 x 4 =
> worked.  95 x 3.5 = 333MHz and higher didn't.  How come and what are
> segmentation errors?
segmentation errors, AKA segment faults AKA segfaults AKA signal 11...
are about the only memory error the intel hardware is able to detect, so
any memory problem and your odd software error eventually cause one.
The first number is a measure of how fast the memory is being asked to
run.  If the memory can't reliably finish a read or write before the bus
asks it to do another, the results are going to be erratic, and that
will cause segment faults.  Also, the cpu will be running a more or less
random set of instructions, so you may well get other kinds of errors.

> And, the v(erifty) command of fdisk said some partitions are
> each other.  (I use fdisk itself to make the partitions).  Does that
> and any suggested solution?  (Please excuse my newbie questions)
There are 2 sets of numbers in the partition table.  One set uses a 3
byte chs sonstruct to describe the start and end of each partition, the
other uses a long integer for the start and end sector number.  The
first set is simply unusable for anything bigger than 2gb, but fdisk
checks them anyway, and gives you a warning if they seem irrational.
Linux is smart enough to use the second set, so I don't think it is a
problem (after all, how often does one use fdisk?), but I'd be
interested to see what cfdisk says about it.

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> ________
> Dirk

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