At 01:45 PM 5/6/99 , Ray Olszewski wrote:
>At 02:32 AM 5/6/99 -0500, Vox wrote [abridged]:
> >I used Linuxconf to configure
> > modem dials no problem, does the handshake, goes mute when done
> >with that, and then I get disconnected :(  I have tried both PAP and
> >cleartext authentication (cleartext doesn't work, my ISP doesn't support
> >that, but I had to try) I'm clueless about how to make it work :(
>First, do you have the options "debug" and "kdebug 0" set in pppd (either as
>command-line arguments or in the options file)? If you do (or after you add

         Nop. can't say I have it :)  I guess is time for me to go find 
that options file :)

>Without knowing the details of either what you tried or
>what the results were, I and others on this list are unlikely to be able to
>offer much help.

         I guessed so :/  there should be a way to make the upgrading from 
windoze to linux many years stuck in a window tends to hamper 
the brain :/

> >       My windoze98 configuration asumes that the server asigns 
> everything (IP,
> >gateway and DNS), and I can't find a way to tell linux (or gnome or
> >whatever) that the info has to be aquired from the server on login.
>Are you still talking about a ppp connection here?
 LAN is done over Microsucks Networking (windoze9x 
workgroups, no servirs).  I have the TCP/IP in the LAN working (sorta :) 
and the rest can wait till I manage to get linux to connect to my 
ISP...once I get that...I won't be booting into windoze much (at least till 
Diablo2 comes out :)

>If so ... IP shouldn't be a problem; just put in values of and pppd
>will get the real numbers from the other end if it provides them.

         K, that makes sense :)

>Not sure
>what you mean by the gateway entry; pppd will set up the ppp connection as
>the default route if you specify "defaultroute" in the pppd call (as a
>command-line argument or in the options file).

         Mmmmm....ok, I'll try that.

>The real sticking point is DNS. You need those values in /etc/resolv.conf
>(or you need to be running bind on your machine), and I don't know of any
>way to get pppd to set that part up for you. Anyone else ever figure out
>that one?

         So....that means my primary isp is gonna become my secondary and 
only when desperate enough to boot into windoze....for some weird reason 
they change the DNS IP sorta often, that's why they tell you to get windoze 
to look for it when connecting.

>If not ... if you mean getting this info when connecting to a LAN ... you
>probably need to run a DHCP client on the Linux host. There's a DHCP HowTo.

         Not when connecting to a LAN, but when connecting via modem to my LAN has static IPs :)

         Thanks for the help....I'll do what you suggested and see what can 
I come up with.

         BTW, a friend told me to try configuring PPP with kppp but that 
one wouldn't even find the modem....I know the modem is in ttyS2 (that's 
where linuxconf finds it to dial), but kppp says it isn't there...something 
is fishy here, and I have no clue what can it be :/

         Arioshi ba


"Vox populi, Vox Dei"
Pain is the gift of the gods...and I'm the one they chose as their 

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