>I have about a gazillion HOWTOS, FAQ and READMEs...but it takes
forever to figure out how to do some of the most basic operations with
the operating system.  I have to bring some tech-support people up to
speed to at least know how to boot the system and manipulate files and
am in the process of writing my own reference...somebody else been
here ?

Yah- tell me about it! I'm wading through 97 pages printed in 10 pt.
font to try and get a useable connection with my isp- see bottom.

>If the target audience is DOS command line and Windows knowledgeable
people, what are the basic commands and which files are critical.
i.e.. my list includes commands like cp, mv, man, info, updatedb,
locate, mkbootdisk, fdformat, chmod, commandline editing keys, more,
fsck and so on.  Also, I'm still not sure of all the files, but if
something gets mucked up, which files should you verify first...

Do you have _A Practical Guide to Linux_ by Mark G. Sobell? It might
help. I just picked up _Linux Sytem Administration_ (M&T Books
Slackware series, Anne H. Carasik isbn=0764570080) I haven't put more
than a half an hour going through it yet, but it appears to have a lot
of good stuff- at least for seven bucks (USD). It's a
remainder/bargain book at the Border's chain right now. (Also includes
Slackware 3.5)
    I hesitate to mention it, but there is a Linux Quik Reference3 for
Dummies. NC.

>>From the complaint/winning dept. - And where is a simple editor like
DOS EDIT - I know drop down menus are taboo, but I've NEVER had to get
help to use this editor...granted it doesn't do much, but I can
maintain the operating system, without some arcane edit commands
(don't even say vi, yes I use that all the time, but try to teach

joe (personal preference- I'm not a guru. But it's pretty easy stuff.)

>Want a copy of mine?


        I *am* having problems getting up to speed with getting on
line. The whole thing is a total bog down. I have printed a bunch of
HOWTO's, tried to follow the instructions of my ISP (http:// (spaces
inserted to defeat windoze)
support.paonline.com/support/OTHER/LINUX.HTM) and  just haven't gotten
anywhere. I'm trying to build a map to see what is doing what to what-
haven't gotten very far. Can someone help me with a *complete* lit of
all files I need to modify- with formats and such, what to put into
scripts to get coinected, and whatever?


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