Koyote wrote: 
                       > Greetings all, 
                       >     I've been screwing around with trying to get the Linux 
side on 
                       > line for a while now, I've got a whole bunch of HOWTO's 
printed and 
                       > have been through the steps outlined in my ISP's other OS 
                       > (http://support.paonline.com/support/OTHER/LINUX.HTM) and I'm 
                       > not getting anywhere. 
                       >     I want to picture what's going on here: can someone give 
me a map 
                       > of how all the files, scripts, and what have you connect? 
                       >     This is all just beginning to get a bit old- I have three 
                       > documents with three different suggestions for putting in 
just the 
                       > login and password under PAP! 
                       >     I'm sure I have all the pieces- there's just no order to 
                       > right now. 
                       > Well- back to it. 
                       > Koyote 

Stop trying to get online with your ISP. Your going to burn-out and go postal. Put all 
the Howto's in a nice little pile and tell yourself that you will get back to them 
later - You will, but in a completely different light.

Go down to the BookStar on Hawthorne Boulevard in Torrance and buy the O'Reilly book, 
"PPP". It is sitting on the shelf right now as I write this.

If you don't live in super Sunny Southern California, Then order the book from your 
favorite bookstore.

RTFM. In other words, read that book cover to cover, progressing from page one to the 
back cover. do not continue on to the next chapter until you understand and completely 
comprehend what is in the current chapter. This is not a novel, you can't just blow 
through and expect to assimilate the knowledge through osmosis. this is UNIX, not Dean 

Now that you've finished the book and thoroughly understand it's contents, thumb 
through the how-to's and see how elementary they are now.

then come back here with your specific problems (Which you won't have it you follow my 
instructions) and We'll be more than happy to help you. 

then come back here and help someone else.

That is all. you are excused.

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