On Mon, 24 May 1999, Julia I. Hanover wrote:

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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> I have Red Hat Linux 5.2 and have tried to install it on my Dell 200
> (32 ram, 4.2 gig. IDE hard drive (2 gig. set aside for linux), cdrom, =
> Sound blaster 16, 33.6 modem (don't know brand), etc) computer and a =
> computer of my own making (300AMD, 32mb ram, 3.2 gig IDE hard drive
(1.5 =
> gig. set aside for Linux), Windows modem (I know this will be a problem
> later), Cybervision monitor, IDE Cd-rom ).  I have tried both the =
> workstation and custom installs multiple times on each computer. =20
> =20
> - The Dell fails on loading the superblocks (what are they?)

Only the records that tell where and how big everything else is in the
filesystem.  This sounds as if you have neglected to make a filesystem
on the partition before trying to install software on it.

> - The AMD fails with "Error installing package: package install of egcs
> failed.  Unpacking of archive failed on file usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386 - =
> redhat-linux/egcs-2.90/ccl:1:success."  Errors then continue with the =
> same basic error: "location as prevvwm2-icons failed =
> usr/share/icons/arrup2xpm:1:no such file or directory."  "No space left
> on device" often accompanies the errors after this one.
> - One possible cause of this problem with the AMD (I think, because the
> kernel seems to read all of my hardware when it boots in the beginning
> of the install) is that it reads my hardrive as hdc.  I read somewhere
> that it won't accept anything past hdb and wonder if this is causing
the =

Read enough, and you will surely read a lot of things that aren't true.
That is one such.

> errors I mentioned above.  I looked in my control panel and found I
have =
> three hard drive controllers for my one hard drive called, "Primary Bus
> Master IDE controller (dual fifo), Secondary Bus Master IDE controller
> (dual fifo), and VIA Bus Master IDE Controller (Ultra DMA)."  Is this =
> causing my hard drive to be hdc? I have an IDE cd-rom too, but that is
> the only other IDE device I have.=20

Which device a hd is depends on which channel it is connected to.  On
the motherboard or IDE adaptor card there will likely be 2 places you
can put the ribbon cable.  If you switch it to the other one (or move
the hd and cd to the other ribbon cable, if that's easier), I bet a
nickle it will magically change from hdc to hda.  But I don't think that
is the problem.  You might have a bit of trouble to get lilo or the bios
to boot it from hdc, though, so it wouldn't hurt to fix that.
> P.S. I'm pretty sure I'm not over 1030 cylinder (my system resource =
> report says I have no more than 800 cylinders)

1024 cylinders is a BIOS (and lilo) limitation, and won't bother an
install.  1.5 or 2g seems like a lot of hd space to me, but if you
have just told the install to install everything, "no space left on
device" may mean exactly what it says.  Installs are not very forgiving
about running out of space.  Sure, a CD only holds 650m, but that's
nearly all gzipped, and gets gunzipped to typically 3 times bigger when
it's installed.  I'd start with a basic system with networking plus all
the -devel stuff.  Once you get the system working, it is easy to add
packages you find you want from the install cd without going through
another install and you can easily use df from a console to tell you how
much hd space you have left. :-).

          >< Microsoft free environment

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