        I'm running slackware 4.0 with kernel 2.2.7. My system is not logging
boot messages to /var/adm/messages and it did not log any errors when I
was atempting to get my ppp going. My sysklogd and klogd are running and
my syslog.conf is below, any suggestions appreciated!
# /etc/syslog.conf - Configuration file for syslogd(8)
# For info about the format of this file, see "man syslog.conf".
*.=debug                        -/usr/adm/debug
*.warning                       /usr/adm/syslog

# Store critical stuff in critical
*.=crit;kern.none               /var/adm/critical

# Kernel messages are first, stored in the kernel file, 
# critical messages and higher ones also go to another
# host and to the console
kern.*                          /var/adm/kernel
kern.crit                       @finlandia
kern.crit                       /dev/console
kern.info;kern.!err             /var/adm/kernel-info

# The tcp wrapper loggs with mail.info, we display all
# the connections on tty12
mail.=info                      /dev/tty12

# Store all mail concearning stuff in a file
mail.*;mail.!=info              -/var/adm/mail

# Log all mail.info and news.info messages to info
mail,news.=info                 -/var/adm/info

# Log info and notice mesages to messages file
*.=info;*.=notice;mail.none     -/usr/adm/messages
*.=info;mail,news.none          -/usr/adm/messages

# Emergency messages will be displayed using wall
*.=emerg                        *

# Messages of the priority alert will be directed
# to the operator
*.alert                         root,joey

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