Hi !

> You mount it at / . This is a confusing bit of terminology in Linux/Unix -
> the root filesystem (always located at /) is different from the home
> directory of the superuser (the account customarily called root, customarily
> with home directory /root). Pfui!

 Why is it confusing ? The name is / and the name of the superuser's directoty
is root, so if one put both together it is called /root.
 It is the same in Dos/Windows, there it is called \, together with the drive
letter and a seperator it is c:\ , so the only difference is that in DOS it is
the backslash and in Linux the slash - never met someone who complained about
that being confusing in DOS, so neither i think it is in linux.
 Discussable is the name /, maybe ppl like Budweiser or BigMac as name for
mountpoint better. *joke*



> At 07:30 AM 5/29/99 -0400, L. A. Mulieri wrote:
> >Hi,
> > I am a newbie to both UNIX and LINUX and have been detoured in my
> >Red Hat 5.2 installation by confusion about just what to type when it
> >comes to naming my "root" partition. Do I type /root or just / or
> >something else? 

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