On Sat, 3 Jul 1999, Jeremy Wiebe wrote:

> Hi all.
> I just bought a new hard drive and would like some advice.
> If I want to transfer the entire installation to a new, bigger hard drive,
> will it work to just tar it up to a third drive and then untar it to the new
> drive?  (Or will this cause problems with the sizes of the drives being
> different?)

AFAIK you don't even need the third drive. Can't you make tar output to
stdout, and another tar input from stdin, and put them in a pipeline ? 
I can't give you more specific help, as I usually use cpio.
With cpio , you would do something like this:

mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt      # supposing your new drive is hdb1
cd /
find . -xdev -print | cpio -oc | (cd /mnt ; cpio -ict)


> Thought I'd ask about this before I do it so I don't have to get out my
> RedHat 5.1 disc to reinstall if it messes up.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Another message from Jer Wiebe
> Find me at...
> ICQ: 4945359

HI! I'm a .signature virus! cp me into your .signature file to help me spread!

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