There is no "minicom equivalent to the "F7 to continue" routine". In
WIndows, you are using a PPP package that includes a pop-up terminal window.
In Linux, you are using a separate terminal package. What you are doing in
Linux is analogous to trying, under WIndows, to run PPP by starting
HyperTerminal, logging in, then starting Windows' ppp client. Your approach
can work, but the timing is tricky to get right.
What happens at the start of a ppp connection is that the two ends exchange
configuration requests (called LCP packets) until they agree on the details
of how to set up the link. Then it gets set up. From the messages you
describe, it sounds like pppd sends an LCP request but never gets a response
from your ISP. (Though I am bit bit confused by this part of your posting.
If you have closed minicom, what do you mean by "terminal screen"?)
Although you've told us a lot (given that you don't know the nature of the
problem, the details really were very good), you have left out some
information that I would suggest you check.
1. Are you sure the modem is on /dev/ttyS2 ? To check this (since minicom
works), see what the symlink /dev/modem points to ("ls -l /dev/modem") and
make sure you are using that entry (or /dev/modem itself) when you run pppd.
2. Add the flag "-kdebug 0" to the pppd line. This will cause ALL packets to
be written to your debug log (probably /var/log/debug, but see below) and
you'll know for sure if the ISP is sending the information (LCP packets) you
3. Consider setting your system up to use chat as your ppp dialer. The PPP
HowTo has a set of sample scripts to do this, though you'll need to modify
the chat script a bit to accommodate the need to send the command to start
ppp after you authenticate. If you want to try this, let me know and I'll
try to help you specifically with this part.
About logs ... offhand, I don't know how RH sets up its system logs. To find
the messages you're looking for, go to /var/log and run
grep pppd *
This will return ALL the lines written to ALL the logs by pppd -- not a
handy presentation, but it will tell you which logs to look in for the messages.
About core ... since I don't know what windowing system you are using, I
don't know about the icon. But a FILE called core is a diagnostic dump of
the system that happens when programs fail.
At 03:15 PM 7/30/99 +0000, George Kenney wrote [in part]:
> I need some help with my PPP connection.
>Using RH 6.0
>When trying to follow the instructions in Linux PPP HOW TO section 14
Setting up the PPP connection manually it goes as follows:
>At the you are connected.... message I press Alt-A Q in minicom to quit the
communications with out resetting as instructed. I then enter:
>pppd -d -detach /dev/ttyS2 38400 &
>One of the things this is supposed to do is turn on debugging so I can find
this in the "system log" later. I don't know where to look for this system
log so I had to write this all down.
>The response in the terminal screen is:
>Using interface ppp0
>Connect: ppp0() <--> /dev/ttyS2
>sent (LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0xef411b07> <pcomp> <accomp>)
>ifsent (LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0xef411b07> <pcomp> <accomp>)
>confisent (LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0xef411b07> <pcomp>
------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA 94303-3603 [EMAIL PROTECTED]