I need some help with my PPP connection.
Using RH 6.0

When trying to follow the instructions in Linux PPP HOW TO section 14 Setting up the 
PPP connection manually it goes as follows:
Using minicom in xterm window I dial my isp.
The modem dials and connects.
I am prompted for my username and I enter it and hit return.
I am prompted for my password and I enter it and hit return.
I receive the prompt "emirates-tdd> (this is normal for my ISP) I then enter "ppp def" 
(w/o the quotes).
The ISP host responds: Entering PPP Session. Your IP address is (this 
changes slightly every time)
MTU is 1524
So far so good - this is what I think I should see based on my old win 3.1 connection 
using trumpet winsock.
Now the problem - if this was my win 3.1 I would hit the F7 key to continue, the 
trumpet window would close and I would be able to open netscape or check my e-mail. 
Since I don't know the minicom equivalent to the "F7 to continue" routine I continue 
on with the PPP how to mentioned above.
At the you are connected.... message I press Alt-A Q in minicom to quit the 
communications with out resetting as instructed. I then enter:
pppd -d -detach /dev/ttyS2 38400 & 
One of the things this is supposed to do is turn on debugging so I can find this in 
the "system log" later. I don't know where to look for this system log so I had to 
write this all down.
The response in the terminal screen is:
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0() <--> /dev/ttyS2
sent (LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0xef411b07> <pcomp> <accomp>) 
ifsent (LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0xef411b07> <pcomp> <accomp>) 
confisent  (LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0xef411b07> <pcomp> <accomp>) 

Next I type "ifconfig" per the instructions and receive the following reply:
Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr:  Mask:  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING   MTU:3924  Metric:1
Eventually this times out with the message:
LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests. Connection terminated. 
Connect time 0.5 minutes.
I believe this means that there is something wrong with the ppp routing per the how to 
and it says I should change the default rout in my "initialization files" and the 
command "route add default.." needs to be changed to "route add net..."
The problem is I have no idea how to find this route command and how to safely change 
it if I do.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. It has taken me 2 weekends to get this far 
and I don't have a clue what to do next.
Also, I have an icon that has appeared with the name core under it. The icon looKs 
like a bomb with a dead face on it. What did I screw up this time & how do I fix it?
George Kenney
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Sent via Palm IIIx

George Kenney
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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