> How would I go about changing the background on either IceWM or
> BlackBox and also is it possible to put icons on the desktop (like
> KDE or GNOME) in either of these two.
> Thanx for any help
> >From
> Robert Hickey
-Short answer-:
Edit config files to change background, get DFM to get icons on your
-Long Answer-:
In X, you can display a bitmap image, a solid color,
or a graphics file as your screen background, depeding
on the program you use to accomplish this task.
The xsetroot programs sets the screen background color.
It can also set the screen background to a monochrome bitmap.
The Whole list of color names should be listed in a plain ASCII
text fille under /usr/X11R6/lib or /usr/lib/X11R6 and it will
be called rgb.txt
For example the command
xsetroot LimeGreen
will set your background to LimeGreen, yum
You can run this from your ~/.xinitrc file (X reads things and
executes the commands within when starting X) Make sure you
put the command, before your exec your windows manager.
For more information on xsetroot try
man xsetroot
xman xsetroot
tkman xsetroot
xview is a shareware program that can display .jpeg .gif and other image
formats as your background, (or root window) among other things. This
can be set from a command line or though the GUI that is included with
Xview might already be installed on your system, try typing "xv" without
in a xterm window. If not your can download it and get help with it
from their
web page at
Their web page offers support and also there is a built in GUI help
system intergated
into the program it's self.
IceWM will allow you to change the background via it config files.
Older version store the
config file under /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icewm in a flat ASCII text file
called preferences.
This text file can be edited via your favorite text editor (vi, emacs,
pico, joe, xedit, gxedit, etc)
All lines are commented so a quick scan of the file should indicate with
lines to edit.
In new version of IceWM they have changed the config files around, I
beilive now a user
can put the prefences files in ~./icewm so each user can have there own
customer interface instead of
using the system wide default config.
I am unsure of how to change the background of BlackBox since I haven't
had experience with that
windows manager, any good? I would assume there is a config file that
would allow one to change it.
Also I highly recommened DFM (Desktop File Manager) it can change your
background via a GUI tool.
Right Click -> Options -> Click on Square Box by the text box that say
background image. Choose your
background image via a GUI file manager, -> Click OK.
It does change the background, but it does so much more. It will allow
you to place icons on your desktop
(Simliar to KDE, GNOME, OS/2 Warp, Windows9* and MacOS to name a few).
It also provide a Desktop File Manager
(hence it's name) that is simlair to OS/2 Warp, Windows9*, Gnome, to
name a few. It will allow your to
launch programs, assoicate extensions with program (ie, file.jpeg will
launch in a graphics program, like xv when you
double click on the file.jpeg icon), and more. I highly recommened it.
Download and support via their web page at:
Also you can use a Desktop Envoriment with a Windows Manager. KDE and
GNOME will both work with IceWM and Enlightenment.
If you want desktop icons in IceWM like KDE or GNOME, use IceWM *AND*
KDE *OR* GNOME. I don't have experince with
BlackBox, but it *should* work.
For more information vist your local mailing list, to download the
programs discussed in todays lesson
check out http://www.freshmeat.net.
"It is the Question that drives us ..." -TheMatrix
Jack Barnett