> How would I go about changing the background on either IceWM

sorry, never used it.

> or
> BlackBox

in the /usr/local/share/Blackbox/styles directory are the config files
well, your styles. the last line should be what you change.
for example,

! command to set root window image/background
rootCommand:  xv -root -quit -max -smooth

after you change that line, save the file and click restart on the menu.
the new image will
then display. Jack explained where to find xv in his post so i won't

you could also use xsetroot, as Jack explained. Blackbox also includes a
for that called bsetroot you can use.

> and also is it possible to put icons on the desktop (like
> KDE or GNOME) in either of these two.

KDE &/or GNOME support can be switched on during configure. the docs
Blackbox will explain how. you can also view the configure file or type
./configure --help   the output should list all the options avaiable. i
it will be something like:
./configure --gnome_support --kde_support
i could be way wrong, i forget, but you get the idea. then just continue
the make and make install as normal. i just drew a blank on how to start
i'm at work, sorry, i hope someone will pick up for me from here. if not
i will
check my machine tonite you repost. sorry.

i have an account i don't use much that uses Blackbox with GNOME and it
works fairly well. it is still in the early stages, so expect to  tweak
a lot.
i found that Blackbox alone was terrific on a laptop or a machine with
limited resources. the config files are not cryptic at all and even i
was able to
figure it out quickly. ;)

hope this helps.

> Thanx for any help
> >From
> Robert Hickey

michael.jones {
   erleichda.archiving; usa

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