Hey! Did you see what Richard Adams wrote on Aug 10 ?

RA> > 
RA> > Hey! Did you see what Ted Gervais wrote on Aug 8 ?
RA> > 
RA> > TG> On Sun, 8 Aug 1999, Steve Youngs wrote:
RA> > TG> 
RA> > TG> > MM> Steve Youngs wrote:
RA> > TG> > MM> > 
RA> > TG> > MM> <snip>
RA> > TG> > MM> >         tar cvyf filename.tar.bz2 /stuff_you_want_to_archive
RA> > TG>                      /|\ 
RA> > TG> Is 'y' correct........|
RA> > 
RA> > Yep, sure is.  Here's an excerpt from the (Gnu tar 1.12) man page...
RA> > --------------------------------------------------
RA> >        -y, --bzip2, --bunzip2
RA> >               filter the archive through bzip2
RA> > --------------------------------------------------
RA> > 
RA> > If your copy of tar doesn't support it, perhaps you could get hold of the
RA> > source and compile it with bzip2 support.
RA> I have version 1.12 as well, but it seems different distro's do different
RA> things, remember the --MARK-- thread.

Once again, I'm glad I use Slackware. :-)
RA> Why go to all that trouble, (if one could call it trouble), just go to;
RA> http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/utils/compress/bzip2/
RA> and get the _real thing_.

Nah, it's more fun to role your own.

Regards, Steve Youngs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ICQ: 34307457
|                                 __                       |
| Isn't it good to know that     / /   __ ___  __ ____  __ |
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