On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Jarmo Paavilainen wrote:
> Howdy,
> Ive a "Tekram DC-310 F-SCSI2" card installed in my computer. Is it possible
> to use it with RH6.0? The installation script did not know of this card.
I can't see a driver for it, so quite likely not :(
> (The rest is OT: If not is it possible to connect a centronics (SCSI1/2) to
> a UltraWide 68 pins, 68 pins is on my other computer).
Um. Don't think so.
> X-window works as expected, but... when I quit X-window all my text gets
> scrambled ( ' '(space) is replaced with @ and so on ). "reset" did not solve
> that (Ive a Hercules Stingray card).
Eeek. That sounds like a fairly nasty X server bug. Try running setfont
and see if that helps, but I wouldn't bet on it.
> My mouse almost works as expected, but... If a restart my computer (from
> Windows) and instead boot Linux my mouse does not work. And the other way
> (From Linux to Win95 by soft-boot). The only way to switch OSes is to
> hardboot (restart button).. Can this be fixed?
Wow! How on earth did you manage that?? What sort of mouse is it?
> Ive have 48Mbyte memory (and linux finds it all "cat /proc/meminfo" says
> aprox. 46000kbyte), linux uses 90% of it just to run x-window, that cant be
> right?
What do you mean by "uses 90%"?
On my box at the moment, this pine, mpg123 and a few networky things are
the only things running. /proc/meminfo says:
$ cat /proc/meminfo
total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached:
Mem: 130502656 111058944 19443712 116924416 4374528 57544704
Swap: 401657856 0 401657856
MemTotal: 127444 kB
MemFree: 18988 kB
MemShared: 114184 kB
Buffers: 4272 kB
Cached: 56196 kB
SwapTotal: 392244 kB
SwapFree: 392244 kB
That's not a problem. Although almost all my ram is in use, much of it is
being used by the disk cache. Linux will, in general, use most of the
available memory for disk cache. That's (part of) why its so damn fast.
And why you have to shut it down clearly.
X is very big and bloated though.
A wise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a
mountain top.