    I have the following setup - Cyrix MII333, with a gigabyte 610 AGP
card, 64 meg SDRAM, using Mandrake 6.0. I played around with the SVGA
server, but was only getting basic service. Then I found the XBF_i740
server from redhat, made a symbolic link to /usr/XIIR6/bin/X which I
thought was right, and when I just ran X for a test, the i740 server was
running okay, even at 1200x1024, and the card was being correctly
probed. But with startx the SVGA server was being used. I couldn't work
out where the link to the SVGA server was, so I just copied the XBF_i740
server over the SVGA one. This is a bit dodgy I know, but it worked,
even at 1200x1024 (but the fonts are a bit hard to read :) 15inch
monitor). So (finally) the question is where or what should the XBF_i740
server be linked to?

Thanks in advance

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