> Is it a hard task to "steal" /dev/hda1 from DOS and now use it for
> Linux? Right now I'm looking at it as 340m of wasted space.

Nah, it's pretty easy.  And I agree, any hdd with MS software on it is 
wasted space. :)

> The output of "du -c /home" shows about 160m used. Can I do the
> following?....
> * use fdisk to make /dev/hda1 a linux partition
> * use mk2fs (or mke2fs, not sure which) to format for Linux

Mount it somewhere temporarily...

mount -t ext2 /dev/hda1 /mnt

Then copy everything from /home to /mnt  Then delete everything out of 
/home to free up some room.

> * copy my /home dir tree to this new partition
> * change fstab from: (not sure what the number fields are for?)
> /dev/hda1      /dosc       vfat     defaults  1    0
> to:
> /dev/hda1      /home   ext2    defaults     1     1

Now, umount it...

umount /mnt

Now mount it in the proper location...

mount /home

> * boot my machine

No need for this step.

> * Write Bill a letter thanking him for the use of his software all
>   these years.

Say "hi" from me and tell him I don't miss his software one bit.

> What do I have wrong? In reading what I have above, I'm not sure how I
> would copy /home to a new partition? Maybe I have to do all this from a
> boot floppy without the file system mounted?

You got most of it right.  Except mounting the drive somewhere
temporarily to copy /home to it.

---Regards, Steve Youngs--------Email:-<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>---
|     If Microsoft is the answer, then all I can say is that     |
|               you are asking the wrong question.               |
------------------------------<Don't be a Newbie--Be a Gnu-bie>---

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