At 05:41 12/09/99 , Steve Youngs wrote:
>Niclas Hedhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > We are just investigating using Linux as a Process Control and Building
> > Automation foundation, and part of the situation is that we have to be 
> able to
> > do Remote Administration, including any changes to the system. Reason; 
> Often
> > there is no physical access to the computers, nor any screens and keyboards
> > around.
> > Security (against hackers) is not a 'real' problem, since the hosts are not
> > accessible from the Internet.
>If there is dial-in access to these systems or the systems you use to
>connect to them, then I'm afraid you are wrong.  There is a security
>issue to attend to because a cracker (not hacker - hackers aren't bad
>guys) doesn't need the internet to access your system if he/she can
>get in some other way.
>The best way to do what you want to do is with ssh (Secure SHell).
>---Regards, Steve Youngs--------Email:-<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>---
>|     If Microsoft is the answer, then all I can say is that     |
>|               you are asking the wrong question.               |
>------------------------------<Don't be a Newbie--Be a Gnu-bie>---

i use an application called Webmin ( it lets me do any task 
remotely via any web browser (and over a SSL connection if need be). as far 
as security goes, you can never be too paranoid :-). hope my 0.02 helps.


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