On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, David R. Bernhardt wrote:
>This is a follow-up to my original question and how it was resolved.  
>Thanks again to those who gave me suggestions.
>I finally understood that to load the Slackware 96, I needed to put the
>basic files onto one of the hard drives.  I put my selected series (A1,A2,.
>. . XV1, XV2,XV3) on to C:.  The Linux partions were on D: (i.e. swap &
>nnative.)  I used the LILO setup routine to load the files.  (Note: one
>interesting thing that did happen when the X files & applications were
>loading was the monitor screen would blank out.  For some reason, cntl/alt
>would bring it back on, strange.)  

You might also need the "n" series for networking.?

>Another interesting item that threw me off was when I logged in and asked
>for "ls", I just got a couple of files!  I found out that I need to do a "cd
>/" to get the expected listing of files/directories.  I still need to
>configure X, but at least the basic O/S seems to be up and running.

When you logon you are deposited in the "users" directory, be it root
or whatever, so you possably loged in as root and seeing that there
would not be much in that dir, then thats the reason for not seeing
any other directorys, its just like in DOS, doing dir in a directory
will only show whats in that directory, on the otherhand doing 
'ls-al /' will show the whole directory structure.

>Now, regarding the Panasonic CD-ROM.  I knew the Linux was seeing the drive,
>but for some reason things were konking out before I could get the system
>up.  What I finally did (once Linux was up and running, that is) was go to
>the kernel modules and did a bit of modifying.  Going to
>/etc/rc.d/rc.modules and using the vi text editor ( I know there are others,
>I am still feeling my way around with Linux,) I went down to the line for
>SoundBlaster CDs and made the following modification:

Slackware trys to initalise the cdrom at boottime "only" if
/etc/rc.d/rc.cdrom is an executable file, which it is i belive by
default, doing 'chmod a-x /etc/rc.d/rc.cdrom' should stop it getting
initalised at bootime, "kmod" should be running on a standard
installed distro, so providing you have a valid entry in /etc/fstab
for the cdrom, something like the following;

/dev/hdc    /cdrom    iso9660 user,noauto,ro  0 0
+ a line in /etc/conf.modules see below for details.

should allow you to use the command "mount" as follows.

'mount  /cdrom'

Without quotes of course.
Of course the directory /cdrom must exsist and there must be a cdrom
in the drive.

{"kmod" could be called "kerneld" its a deamon which loads modules
automaticly when a command is issued like mount /cdrom}
It all depends on which kernel version you have.
man kerneld
man modules
Will help you out here.
Also the strings i sent you should be applicable in your
/etc/conf.modules dir.

Of course the directory /cdrom must exsist and there must be a cdrom
in the drive.

On yet another note, i would be interested to know if the follwoing
works with the install disk.

Boot with the same disk as you used to install the software in the
first place, at the LILO prompt type append = "sbpcd io=0x350"
That should get the cdrom loaded, or at least thats how my friend got
his to work, i bumped into him a couple of days ago so i asked him
how he used to do it, be carefull with the syntax of the append
command, i may have it wrong, i am a wonder at getting things mixed
up, however it should work, i dont know about the ,0 helping or not
after the io=0x350 that you will have to experiment with, or seek
more advise from someone else here on the list.

>        removed # and added the CD-ROM address, thus
>        sbin/modprobe sbpcd=0x350,0
>0x350 is the I/O address for the driver card and I used 0 for the "clone"
>version.  I don't know all the ins and outs yet, but at least I can get
>Linux to see the contents of a CD now.  I find I have to have a CD in the
>CD-ROM when starting Linux and I cannot get the CD to come out while the O/S
>is up, but at least the system is reading the CD's now.  Progress.

No it wont come out, if the CDrom is "mounted" simply do 
'umount  /cdrom' or what ever your entry is in /etc/fstab. 

>So I am up and running now and this tale may be added to the 
>collective memory   ;-)

I am sure this will help others in the fucther, its not a common
problem, but it is one which has cropped up here before.

I was only glad to have been a help, or was it a hinderance hi. ;-)

To the unknowing whats underneath here is thanks and goodbye in Ham

BTW; If you intend to use the AX25 and/or NET/ROM protocols under
linux then give me a shout, a few lines of help will surly save you a
lot of hassel.

>Dave Bernhardt 
>Boring, OR

Regards Richard

>From full of life Holland.

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