Hi All;
I am thinking to install Linux Red Hat 6.1 on my machine.
Up to now I mostly used OS/2, NT partition below will disappear as soon as I
comfortable enough with Linux.

Here is how my hard drive in partitioned, and depending on the answer to my
question I
am open to changing it as necessary.

Partition Information for Disk 1:    13037.1  Starting  Ending
Volume         PartType    Status    Size MB  Cyl.           Cyl.
*:MAINTAIN     Hid.FAT16B  Pri         156.9  0         9
               Boot ManagerPri,Boot      7.8  20        20
C:NO NAME      FAT16B      Pri        1004.1  21        148
               Extended    Pri       11868.3
               EPBR        Log        2000.3
D:NT_APPS      FAT16B      Log,Boot   2000.3  149       403
               EPBR        Log        1506.1
E:OS2_SYS      HPFS        Log,Boot   1506.1  404       595
               EPBR        Log        2000.3
F:OS2_APPS     HPFS        Log,Boot   2000.3  595       850
               EPBR        Log        6361.7
G:             Linux-tobe  Log,Boot   6361.6  851       1661

Partition G is where I would like to install Linux.  But, using Partition magic,
I tried to format that partition it only gave me the EXT2 option, no Linux Swap
was given.  This partition starts at cylinder 851 and ends at 1661.  Could this
may be
the reason PM does not give Linux swap option?  If so, I can take some space
from the
end of partition F.  I have 192 MB of RAM on this machine.  What should be the
size of
Linux Swap Partition(s)?  I also would like some suggestion of how to slice up
the G.
Specifically, since Linux will not boot from cylinders beyond 1024, what size
the /boot partition be?  Can it be part of partition G, that is not have its own

Thanks for any suggestions.

Masoud Pajoh

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