* Scott Faulkner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm just starting to really explore Linux and do not know if this
> option is available in any of the mail readers that can be used
> under Linux, but one nice feature in ( forgive me for this and I'll
> suffer a few flames ) Outlook 98 is the ability to Block senders
> ( kind of like a twit filter ) works great and their messages hit
> the garbage can as soon as they are received...

You've already received a few responses suggesting procmail, all good
suggestions and I agree totally.

What nobody has mentioned is where you can find out about it.  So...

man procmail
man procmailex
man procmailrc
man procmailsc
man formail

These 2 HOWTOs may give you a bit more understanding...

less /usr/doc/Linux-HOWTOs/Mail-Administrator-HOWTO.gz
less /usr/doc/Linux-HOWTOs/Mail-User-HOWTO.gz

And, of course...


Want to really learn Linux?
...Install Slackware

---Regards, Steve Youngs--------Email:-<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>---
|     If Microsoft is the answer, then all I can say is that     |
|               you are asking the wrong question.               |
------------------------------<Don't be a Newbie--Be a Gnu-bie>---

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