
Thank you guys for all the help. I remembered I had a second 
170MB harddrive with information that could be moved to 
Windows98 partition, so while Wine was compiling, I suspended 
the make (I could have logged in at another virtual console, but with 
the compilation taking place the machine was horribly slow). 

Then I mounted the second HD, moved its contents to the Win98 
partition on the first HD, destroyed the Win98 partition on the 
second HD and created two Linux swap partitions (about 80MB 
each) due to the ~130MB swap space limitation, executed 
mkswap and swapon on the newly created partitions, and voila! 

I'm telling you this because I'm feeling very proud of myself but I 
finally got Wine to compile twice, although I won't tell you why I 
had to recompile because it's quite embarrasing ... :-) The 
compilation time was about 16 hours (I left the computer working 

Before compiling for a second time, I modified keyboard.c to 
incorporate my keyboard mapping. I have a US keyboard, with the 
|\ key on the lower right corner instead of being in its regular place. 
But still Wine won't recognise it. I could run Windows' Solitaire and 
Pegasus Mail 32-bit version, so it doesn't seem to be an important 

Wine takes a long time to load (from 15 to 30 secs.), but then the 
performance is quite acceptable, at least with Pegasus (not a 
computer-intensive application). Maybe stripping would accelerate 
the loading, but I don't want to lose the debugging information (I 
want to cooperate with the Wine project ...).

Thanks again to all the people that helped me set up my Wine.

Jeremías Galletti

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