I'd like to configure fstab so that normal users can mount, read and
write an internal zip drive
Currently, I'm only able to to mount it as root.

I've read the mini-how to and added the following line to my /etc/fstab
file and rebooted:

    /dev/hdd4     /zip     vfat    noauto,rw,user,nosuid,sync,mode=0777

however, after this, when a user issues

    mount -t vfat /dev/hdd4 /zip

the response is "only root can do that"

While root can mount the drive to /zip, and after this a user can copy
files from /zip to their writeable directories, user cannot
write to /zip. So I'd like to enable users to be able to mount the zip
drive as well as read and write without having root do the
mounting. How can I enable this?

Thanks in advance


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