On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 09:34:50PM -0800, Serge Rey wrote:
> I'd like to configure fstab so that normal users can mount, read and
> write an internal zip drive
> Currently, I'm only able to to mount it as root.
> I've read the mini-how to and added the following line to my /etc/fstab
> file and rebooted:
>     /dev/hdd4     /zip     vfat    noauto,rw,user,nosuid,sync,mode=0777
> however, after this, when a user issues
>     mount -t vfat /dev/hdd4 /zip
> the response is "only root can do that"

 A user may only supply a device name -or- a mount point.
Only root may supply both. If you only supply the device, the
correct mount point will get looked up in /etc/fstab, and vice-versa.

a user should be able to mount it with either

mount /dev/hdd4
mount /zip

you also *must not* specify a filesystem type (-t). This will get looked up
in /etc/fstab as well.

have fun

this is not here

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